Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological characteristics of water.
It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need.
Under Water Quality Monitoring System various type of sample testing done like Drinking water, Commercial, Public tap,
Concessional, Storage water, House hold, Reservoir, Domestic, Swimming, STP, ETP, Lake, Creek, Nallah, River etc. depends on
this sample testing reports daily & monthly reports generate.
Quick bifurcation of daily and monthly reports by nine Prabhag Samiti to respective medical officer and junior engineer so
that they can take quick action if result are unpotable (negative). Now we can evaluate water quality trend over a period of time
and can check potability and unpotability percentage according to Prabhag Samiti and fitness remark to water. Whole process going to be
computerize means less use of paper and time consumption issue solve here.
Using this Water Quality Monitoring System we are trying to establish transparency in quality checking and citizen will get reports quickly via email or mobile SMS.
Coming soon... Citizen will be able to apply online for water testing.